Forwards, use asterisk: *
Backwards, use pound: #
has this behavior by default.
It’s annoying for editing markdown that contains code. Disable with:
set cindent
autocmd FileType markdown setlocal cinkeys-=0#
Comments always want to stick to position 0, unless:
set ft=nginx
Handy for opening huge files in vim.
Ignore my vimrc file and all plugins:
vim -u NONE -N
I like to allow a single line to be folded:
set foldminlines=0
Fold docstrings:
:set foldmethod=expr foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^\\s*///.*$'
Close all folds: zM
Open all folds: zR
Close a single fold: zc
Open folds as a cursor through them
set foldopen=all <-- I actually don't like this
:set foldmethod=manual
Within the vim ack pane, type ?
to bring up all keyboard shortcuts. Press it again to toggle back.
Use :AckWindow
to search only the current window.
Use :Ack!
to search without jumping to the first result.
vim $(fzf)
fd <pattern> | view -
:: Use `gf` on file I want
I need to escape the +
for matching to work as I expect:
I still don’t understand why I can’t do something like this:
This question led me to discover perldo
: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13476392/143447
Which is neat, but I lose the interactive highlighting
A nice trick to eliminate a whole branch in confusing code is to place
the cursor on opening brace, then S-v %
to jump to the matching brace in a
visual selection, then d
Make sure to create the undo dir manually. Vim won’t automatically create it.
mkdir ~/.vim/undo
Then, set this in ~/.vimrc
set undofile
set undodir=~/.vim/undo/
This will make undo span multiple vim sessions.
Closing and re-opening vim won’t interfere with undo history.
in normal mode
to set a markma
for local and mA
for globala
mark, jump to it with 'a
, end recording <Esc> q
Build tags for macOS with:
brew install universal-ctags
cd <my-proj>
ctags -R *
Add tags
to ~/.gitexcludes
Modify ~/.vimrc
to contain:
Plug 'vim-scripts/taglist.vim'
set tags=./tags;
noremap <leader>t :TlistToggle<CR>
In vim:
- Use \t
to toggle the tag list
- Use C-]
to jump to a tag
- Use C-w C-]
to split the window before jumping to tag
- Use :tn
to go to the next tag and :tp
for previous
- Use :ta <tagname>
to jump to a tag (supports autocomplete)
- Use vim -t <tagname>
to start vim at a tag
- Use :ts
to see a list of matching tags, or :ts <tagname>
In taglist, use s
to sort symbol list alphabetically, and s
again to undo.
to show keyword completion (I map this for consistency with Xcode)ctrl-x ctrl-]
to show autocomplete via ctagsctrl-n
to move one completion downctrl-p
to move one completion upenter
to accept (or ctrl-y
, or ctrl-e
)In normal mode or visual mode
increment with C-a
Decrement with C-x
Increment all these to 2 by visually selecting them and then C-a
Increment these to 2,3,4 by visually selecting them and then g C-a
Open a file in vim that I’ve fuzzy matched using fzf:
vim $(fzf)
:! open %:p:h
:py3 import sys; print(sys.version)
Which spit out
3.12.3 (main, Apr 9 2024, 08:09:14) [Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500.3.9.4)]
Can also use vim --version
and look at -L/opt/homebrew/opt/python@3.12
I modified the 3.12 environment myself with:
/opt/homebrew/opt/python@3.12/bin (stable) $ ./pip3 install ollama --break-system-packages
:set fileencoding
Create the visual selection, then
!jq .
Careful, this is destructive.
Open json file in vim, then
:%!python -m json.tool
:call TrimWhiteSpace()
Some plugins set the indentexpr
Investigate it with :set indentexpr?
Turn it off with :set indentexpr=
In normal mode, use q:
If already in command mode, use C-f
works to move to the end of line in command mode,
but C-a
does not move to the start by default.
cnoremap <C-a> <Home>
cnoremap <C-e> <End>
cnoremap <C-p> <Up>
cnoremap <C-n> <Down>
" cnoremap <C-b> <Left>
" cnoremap <C-f> <Right>
" cnoremap <M-b> <S-Left>
" cnoremap <M-f> <S-Right>
I don’t use the <M-b>
and <M-f>
shortcuts, and prefer the default
and <S-Right>
settings, which I also change in my .bash_profile
to navigate left and right by a word.
I also don’t use C-f
because it breaks a handy feature of vim.
If already in command mode, C-f
opens the full command window.
I use a visual selection and then :sort
Use the %
, for example:
!clear && python %
then a
, use a forward slash to specify directorym
then d
then c
(I map this to C-n
(I map this to \r
for moreSurround word under cursor with quotes: ysiw"
Change the surrounding from single to double quotes: cs'"
Delete the single quotes surrounding: ds'
I use easymotion for jumping to a specific word in the window.
I find it works better than incremental search because I already have my eye on
where I want to go. Sometimes with incremental search I fat finger a character
and the buffer jumps to an odd location and then I’m disoriented.
I use easymotion and map
nmap <Leader>s <Plug>(easymotion-sn)
Then use \s
and start typing.
I also sometimes use \\f
if I want to jump to a specific character that is
not in the same line as my cursor.
Turn on with :set colorcolumn=110
Turn off with set colorcolumn=0
I don’t use tabs often.
- The thing at the top is called the tabline
- Create a new tab with :tabnew
- Switch between tabs with gt
or :tabn
It’s enticing to use set autochdir
when working with tabs, but I leave it off because I lose all rails.vim shortcuts.
Run vimtutor
Normally when I’m in command mode and press tab I get a single completion at a time.
Add this to ~/.vimrc
set wildmode=longest,list
then when I use :e pattern<Tab>
I get a command buffer with height to acccommodate all matches.
I use this less, though, now that ctrl-p
is in my fingertips.
:e .
Or use nerdtree
:cd %:h
Note: this changes the working directory for all tabs
Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Modifier Keys > map caps lock to control
Once you have mapped caps lock to control, C-[
is a viable alternative for escape.
I also map escape to jj
in insert mode:
imap jj <Esc>
also works as escape in insert mode out of the box.
Pipe to view -
, e.g. ps aux | view -
cf a
will delete upto and including the next ‘a’ and drop you in insert mode
ct a
will delete upto the next ‘a’ and drop you in insert mode
These are special cases of movement with f
Repeat with ;
(forward) or ,
Similar to the tip above, use dta
to delete to the ‘a’, then d;
to repeat in forward direction.
deletes the full line and drops you in insert mode
splits windows horizontally
splits windows vertically
:vsp <my-file>
splits windows and opens the my-file
moves between views
C-w r
swaps the order of split windows
:vertical resize 80
:vertical resize +5
:vertical resize -5
I use the following mappings:
nmap <Leader>= :vertical resize +5<CR>
nmap <Leader>- :vertical resize -5<CR>
Move left one pane: C-w h
Move right one pane: C-w l
Move down one pane: C-w j
move up one pane: C-w k
If I only have two panes open, it’s easy to move between them with C-w w
Toggle between the two most recent buffers with C-Shift-6
Move forward a buffer with tab key or :bn
or hammer ctrl-i
Move backward with :bp
hammer ctrl-o
To open a buffer window, I use a simple mapping in ~/.vimrc on \bb
nmap <Leader>bb :ls<CR>:buffer<Space>
A nice plugin is also bufexplorer
Install with Plug 'jlanzarotta/bufexplorer'
Open bufexplorer with \be
Navigate with normal motion, press enter to open a buffer
Can also use vanilla vim feature:
:b start-typing-and-hit-tab-for-fuzzy-search
is the matchit power key. It can:
- match end of function/method
- cycle through if/then/else branches
- match html tags such as <div>
with </div>
- match open and close parens (this is built into vim and does not depend on matchit)
Use :help matchit
The modern equivalent looks to be vim-matchup
Outdated, I believe. I think all of these start with E
:R will switch between controller and view
:Rprev will open up browser
:Rserver starts mongrel
:Rserver! restarts it
:Rserver!- stops it
Use gf
to jump to file under cursor.
Works with rails partials if vim rails is installed.
A good trick with ctags is to symlink actionpack and then run ctags again, this
way I can jump to view helpers
:source ~/.vimrc
Jump to line 30 with :30
or 30G
Go to Terminal > Settings > Profiles > Keyboard > Use option as meta key
I mainly use ack.vim, but it can be handy:
:vimgrep PATTERN **/*.erb
open results with :copen
Move between results :cprev
or :cnext
Only certain motions can be repeated.
Using f
, or T
movements can be repeated with ;
to move forwards or ,
to move backwards
Forward: *
Backward: #
Turn on numbers: :set nu
Turn off numbers: :set nonu
Turn on relative numbers: :set rnu
Turn off relative numbers: :set nornu
Down: }
Up: {
:set list
:set nolist
In visual mode, use =
Toggle a single character in normal mode with ~
Convert to uppercase in visual mode with U
Convert to lowercase in visual mode with u
:set expandtab
Type S-v
and select
then type :s/$/,/
to replace all end of lines with a comma
Note the backreference \1
. This will change ‘xyzfoo’ to ‘barxyz’
Can also use tricks like converting the matched backreference to uppercase.
This will change ‘xyzfoo’ to ‘barXYZ’
I use visual mode and select an area that I want to search/replace in, then:
If I want to replace all instances in a whole file (with confirmation), I use:
Collection of search and replace tips: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Search_and_replace
How to use a regex and incsearch in search and replace: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1295244/143447
Use \r
. For example, to turn spaces into newlines:
s/ /\r/g
Plug ‘qpkorr/vim-renamer’
Open a directory with vim, then type :Renamer
Make modifications, then type :Ren
Normal mode: o
Insert mode: C-o o
C-o o
is a special case of a general pattern: use C-o
to temporarily leave insert mode.
I wanted to turn autocommenting off, the feature that adds a new comment on a newline if you hit enter in an existing comment.
Added to ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/ruby.vim
set fo=cql
Used this to determine what was overwriting my vimrc settings:
:verbose set fo
:help startup
I use Plug 'mileszs/ack.vim'
Use it and follow symlinks:
:Ack –follow ‘pattern’
Use it with a certain filetype:
:Ack –csharp ‘pattern’
I often yank in normal mode, then x
or d
something, then go to paste and paste the wrong thing.
Three solutions:
1. Use vim-scripts/YankRing.vim
and punch C-k
after pasting
2. Remember to use gv
after deleting and yank again
3. Delete without copying text with "_d
I use 1. Paste something with p, then hit ctrl+k and ctrl+j to cycle through options. Set:
let g:yankring_replace_n_pkey = '<c-k>'
let g:yankring_replace_n_nkey = '<c-j>'
Discussion: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/54255/i-vim-is-there-a-way-to-delete-without-putting-text-in-the-register
Yank to the end of the line with y$
Yank word under cursor with yiw
Yank whole line with Y
In insert mode, paste register zero with: C-r C-p 0
By default, :s
operators on an entire line, which often trips me up. I make a visual
selection of a partial line, then try a substitution, and the substitution applies to the whole
The trick is to use \%V
in the subsitution. For example, to convert the first
two underscores to plus signs:
place the cusor on a
and then type C-v j 3l
Or one that I use often for Swift work is to convert snake case to camelCase but only for part
of the line (useful for CodingKeys):
Normal mode undo: u
Normal mode redo: C-r
Insert mode undo: ctrl-u
Also see undotree
for much more power and control.
I tend to do this more on accident than on purpose.
If I suddenly see:
[1]+ Stopped vim
Enter fg
to bring the vim process back to the foreground.
I do this for case insensitive searching, or when using find and replace:
set :ic
set :noic
:w !sudo tee %
For example, apache conf files don’t always show up highlighted in vim
:setf apache
ctags -R *
vim -t MyType
Split vertically: vim -O a b
Split horizontally: vim -o a b
set :hls
or set :nohls
I use
nmap <leader>h :set invhls<cr>
ctrl+v {movement} s
Jump to header file with: :e %<.h
Jump to implementation file with: :e %<.m
Split header and implementation: :vsp %<.h
:set wrap
:set nowrap
:set tw=110
and then .
to repeat for additional paragraphsctrl-p
pluginI often run into a stale file list in ctrl-p. Use F5 to refresh
with ctrl-p
let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = 'node_modules'
I often need to yank text (e.g. yiw
) and paste it to the command line:
Yank some text with y
Open command line with :
Use C-r "
to paste it
There is a shorter way than the approach above. Place the cursor on a word and :C-r-w
. Do not let go of control between the r
and w
also seems to work
Copy to system clipboard in visual mode: "=y
Paste from system clipboard in normal mode: "=p
Paste from system clipboard in insert mode: cmd-v
Paste from system clipboard with better formatting: C-r C-p *
I no longer use these, maybe vim versions improved pasting:
:set paste
:set nopaste
Paste in normal mode:
:r! cat
<paste in contents>
Append a question mark. For example, :set statusline?
For example, to find what is touching textwidth
, use:
:verbose set textwidth?
Get the tabular plugin. I use Plug 'godlygeek/tabular'
Then, to align text on equals:
:Tab /=
Turn on spellcheck with :set spell
Turn off spellcheck with :set nospell
Move between words with ]s
or [s
Suggest fixes with zs
Add a word to dictionary with zg
Undo add with zug
I use \c
to toggle comments using Plug 'tomtom/tcomment_vim'
vmap <nowait> <leader>c :TComment<CR>
to edit the snippet definition file (or now) for the filetype of the currently opened filetab
and shift+tab
to move between placeholders in snippet~/.vim/bundle/ultisnips/UltiSnips
:help ultisnips
for more:scriptnames
source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/48952/143447
I usually use visual block mode, where indent and deindent is a single >
or <
, e.g.:
In normal mode use >>
or <<
Can also put a count in front of it, e.g. 5>>
In insert mode, use ctrl-i
and ctrl-d
I prefer viw
because you the cursor can be anywhere within the word, then y
to yank.
Scroll without the cursor moving:
Move viewport up: C-e
Move viewport down: C-y
Move viewport so that cursor is in center: zz
Move viewport so that cursor is at top: zt
Move viewport so that cursor is at bottom: zb
Scroll half page up, moving cursor: C-u
Scroll half page down, moving cursor: C-d
:profile start profile.log
:profile func *
:profile file *
" At this point do slow actions
:profile pause
:noautocmd qall!
I believe S-k
is supposed to do this, but I use S-k
for a project wide
search of word under the cursor. Should find a new mapping for that.
:help index
Then navigate with ctags-like navigation (use ctrl-] to follow a highlighted tag)
In insert mode, use ctrl-v
then punch the key combination.
Try it with ctrl-v ctrl-rightArrow
forward by first character of each word: w
backward by first character of each word: b
forward by last character of each word: e
I don’t think I did anything special to set that up.
In insert mode, hit ctrl-k
and then type a key to see how to map it.
E.g., hit ctrl-k and then backspace, vim will output
I map ctrl-space to ctlr-n so that autocomplete is the same between Xcode and vim
inoremap <c-@> <c-n>